Monday, March 9, 2020

Customer Avatar survey-Session 2 with DD

Selecting our customers from different group

"In the end,it's not the years in your life that count".

Hello Viewers here I am going to share my experience on customer Avatar Survey my session 2 with Digital Deepak.

This session was getting us little deeper to DM(Digital Marketing) where we are going to find our customer's through

This word is important because this is going to bring us customers to build our business.

In this session I will be sharing some Secrets which he revealed during the program it will be revealed later so read consciously point wise.

The above picture explains that finding our exact customer through Customer avatar survey

Do Mistakes

Many people think if they admit any wrong on the content or website they think they will fail but the thing people not realizing is only when we do mistakes
we would know next time that the same wrong thing we have done before.

So dont be afraid of making mistakes because from those mistakes we can learn a lot 

Mistakes are for Future Benefits so the value of these mistakes will be realized later


conversation is very much important in marketing because the more you converse with them they will be satisfied with buying from you.

Marketing is always about good conversation

If you can converse well 1:1
If you can't converse well 1:Many

Always people are tired of fake people in social media because there are many persons who just want take away money from us

The Main thing is we have to be authentic to our customers- Be Authentic to communicate better

we are not replica of others we just want to be Real there the game lies

  • Engage with each customer
  • connect with customer 1:1
  • we should join mental conversation
  • Your Headline/Title is more important
First we have to know our customer details like their Name,Mobile no,Age etc

Then we have to know about their job details,gender.

Next we have to know about their Hobbies,Interests,Attitude.

  • Define your avatar
  • Research your avatar
  • Document your avatar
  • Use tools for avatar
  • Define negative avatar

These has to be known for better customer interaction

Always focus on the center let's make it happen.

Also i am interested in sharing my example Customer Avatar survey

1 comment:

Customer Avatar survey-Session 2 with DD

Selecting our customers from different group "In the end,it's not the years in your life that count". Hello Viewers ...